About this blog

Pariseur. Simply, enjoying Paris.

This blog is basically a collection of a few personal tasting notes, drafted as I'm eating and drinking my way through Paris. Exploring the city's vibrant food scene, I am using this blog to keep friends - and other people who might be interested - posted with information about places to go out, to eat, to look for good food, and for good wines.

To be more precise, tasting notes might be to push it. Most post are written to give you an idea of the feeling and quality of a particular place. But when I eat I enjoy the food, the company and the moment. I do not take pictures or write down notes. So what you get here is really what sticks after a couple of days - sometime weeks or more. Some posts might be on haute cuisine. Some on restaurants in general. Some are about the wine selections. Some might be more specifically about tasting wines. Some could even take you around the different market places and inexhaustible food niches of Paris. But the main nerve is the feel of the different bistros.

Although I'm not a native speaker, the blog is written in English, with a few unavoidable notes of French when appropriate. Our friends at google have enabled some rough translations in the right menu.

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